Geobiology and house harmonisation

The geobiological study allows to detect what is under the ground that affects the site (subway water, cracks, caves, breathing pores, metallic masses, etc...). Electromagnetic fields, the Hartmann network, memories in the walls, entities and everything that affects the site are also detected.
Once all the disturbing elements have been identified, we heal the place:
1. Energetic cleansing, electromagnetic field nullification, and healing of memories.
2. Instalation of a light column.The column is a high-vibrational energetic element that lifts all the effects of geopathy and increases the vibratory frequency of the site. This allows the people who live there to feel better, more in tune with their projects, and to see more clearly the possible paths that are available to them.
They tell us about their experience with the light column and house harmonization

It makes me feel safe
"I feel that the column of light gives me security and I feel very good doing my meditations and practices within it. I have been able to recognize and feel it. Thank you very much."

"There were many things that I understood and that thanks to your work I was able to improve in the energy of our home. Today I can only thank you for the wonderful gift you gave me". M.C. Villamil

«Después de tu visita, me impactó la luminosidad del sitio"After your visit, I was struck by the luminosity of the place. The new energy allowed me to sleep better, to live beautiful encounters and experiences". H. Pinna
Frequently asked questions
What is the process to install a light column in my home or business?
1. Send me a simple, hand-drawn floor plan of the house. It doesn't have to be perfect.
2. I study the energetic state of the house (what underground influences, if there are memories, electromagnetic fields,...) and I check the possibility to install a light column. Only in exceptional cases it is not possible.
3. If it is in person (in Cali-Colombia), I go on site. I show you how to use the dowsing rods to measure the geopathies in your house, confirming what I have found on the map.
4. I proceed to the energetic cleansing, to annulling the disturbing elements and to welcoming the column of light.
5. I test with the rods that there are no more geopathies and I measure the presence of the light column.
What exactly is the light column? Can I see it?
The column of light is an energetic element that increases the vibratory frequency of a place. It is linked to a place (not to people). Most adults cannot see it with their eyes, but they can perceive it with dowsing rods or with their hands (denser air, warmth, tingling).
It is much more easily perceived by children and animals. fácilmente.
Does the column of light help me to sell my apartment or house?
The geobiological study of a site and the installation of the light column guarantee that the site is "clean" of memories and geopathies. The new vibration of the site will attract the right people, but there is no guarantee that the house/apartment will be sold.
Is it useful for my business or practice?
The geobiological study, the energetic cleaning and the light column will raise the energy of the place, leaving a feeling of harmony. It allows to have more clarity when attending clients/patients, and to do it in a more professional way. In some cases it also boosts sales.
In the case where it is no longer appropriate for the business or practice to be there, other doors will open for people to adjust their professional activity to what is appropriate and best for them.
If I am not in Cali, how do I do?
The geobiological study of houses can be done remotely. We agree on the best time to do it with a video call. Depending on what is found, it will be necessary to have a white candle, salt, water or some drawing to annul electromagnetic fields (I send it by mail in advance).
It is very exceptional but sometimes it is not possible. In this case, I inform the person and do not charge for the work..